How To Install A Chicago Screw

How To Install A Chicago Screw

Ohio Travel Bag |

For the tools and techniques you need to make or repair bags, shoes, clothing and much more, this is the Ohio Travel Bag Workshop. Today we are going to show you How to Set a Chicago Screw.

Chicago screws are a good alternative to rivets as a less permanent fastener option. These can be opened and reattached as needed on things like belts, purses, bags, and valet trays.

Step one: get the right tools. You will need a hole punch, chicago screw, chicago screw tool, flat head screw driver and Loctite glue (optional).

We have a few style and size options, post sizes as small as 3/16” and as large as 5/8”

The styles include open hole, flat head, and domed.

Step two: Cut a hole in the material. Cut a hole in your material, use your Chicago screw and feed through the hole. The screw post might look too small, but that is normal. You don’t want the post to be too long because then it will be loose.

Use the Chicago screw tool to hold the screw in place, use a flat head screw driver to tighten the fastener.

If you are going to make the Chicago screws permanent, use a bit of Loctite glue to hold in place.

And there you have it! A quick Chicago Screw install. Try it for yourself!

1 minute read